Italian sports minister: Milan or Rome can at least build a new stadium before euro 2032

Italian sports minister: Milan or Rome can at least build a new stadium before euro 2032

Live Bar, October 15 Italian sports minister abody said that Milan or Rome could at least build a new stadium before euro 2032.

Italy and Turkey will jointly host euro 2032, and the two countries will have five stadiums to hold matches respectively. Minister abody first said: “We need a modern stadium, which is safe, convenient, technological and environmentally friendly. We hope it is a green energy stadium.”

Abody continued: “in Milan and Rome, I am confident that at least one new stadium will be built. However, we hope that in the next few months, the planned stadium projects in Bologna, Cagliari, Verona, Parma, Palermo and other places can also be accelerated, not to mention the new stadium projects already in progress, some of them have been going on for many years.”

Milan, Inter Milan and Rome all have plans to build new stadiums, which still need to be approved by the local government. Rome club plans to build and use the new stadium in 2027, while Milan DOUBLE HEROES said this week that the new stadium is planned to be put into use in 2028.

Abody also said: “According to Article 3 of Decree No. 120 of 2023, we have further simplified the administrative examination and approval procedures so that the construction project of the new stadium can provide more certainty for the promoters of the project, but it is necessary to carry out more public-private cooperation.”

(Su erhu)


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